
Your search for "advanced energy" gave back 14 results.

Advanced Energy

半導體、面板、LED、太陽能製程設備所使用之無線射頻電源(RF電源)、匹配器(Matching Network)、直流、交流、超高電壓電源供應器及遠距電漿系統(RPS:Remote Plasma Source)及其維修服務。高溫計 AE-LumaSense Pyrometer UV400/UVR400 for MOCVD GaN on Sapphire, GaAs etc.


Content changed at :2023-09-11 13:51:07

Advanced Energy

RF Generator, Matching Network, AC / DC Power Supply, Remote Plasma Sources (RPS), High Voltage Power Supply and Optical Fiber Thermometers for Dry Etch, CVD, PVD Ion Implanter Process Tool and its Repair Service. AE-LumaSense Pyrometer UV400/UVR400 for MOCVD GaN on Sapphire, GaAs etc.


Content changed at :2023-09-11 13:51:16






#ANNEALSYS化學氣相沉積設備 #PLASMA-THERM ® VERSALINE® 化學氣相沉積設備 #CORIAL蝕刻和沈積系統 #Advanced Energy 化學氣相沉積設備

   化學氣相沉積(Chemical Vapor Deposition,簡稱CVD)是一種常見的薄膜成長技術,通常用於固體表面上製造具有特定性質和厚度的薄膜。使用化學氣相沉積設備的過程涉及將氣態前體化學物質輸送到基板表面,然後使其在基板表面上發生化學反應,形成所需的薄膜。這些前體物質可以是氣體或揮發性液體,並在高溫環境下進行反應。本文將深入探討化學氣相沉積(CVD)的運作原理、其優勢和限制,同時也會介紹相關的化學氣相沉積設備。




  • 氣體傳輸:氣體前體被通入反應室,通常與載氣(inert carrier gas)混合,以確保均勻的沉積。
  • 表面吸附:氣體前體被吸附在基板表面上。
  • 化學反應:在基板表面上,氣體前體發生化學反應,生成沉積物。
  • 產物脫附:副產物被從基板表面脫附,同時可通入新的氣體前體進行更多的沉積。


  • 均勻性:CVD技術可以在整個基板表面均勻地沉積薄膜,使其非常適合大面積製造。
  • 控制性:通過控制前體物質的供應和反應條件,可以調整薄膜的成分、厚度和結構,實現高度可控性。
  • 晶體品質:由於高溫下的沉積,CVD薄膜通常具有較好的結晶品質,使其在半導體和光電行業中廣泛應用。
  • 無需昂貴的設備:相對於其他薄膜成長技術,CVD所需的設備相對簡單,使其成本較低。


  • 高溫要求:CVD需要高溫環境來實現薄膜成長,這可能會導致一些基板材料或器件元件的熱損傷。
  • 製程複雜性:CVD製程相對於其他薄膜成長技術來說更為複雜,需要精確控制氣體供應和反應條件。
  • 高度依賴環境:製程中的微小變化或污染可能會影響薄膜的質量和成長速率。
  • 有機前體使用:某些CVD製程可能需要使用有機前體物質,這些物質可能對環境和健康產生潛在風險。



  • 半導體製造:在集成電路製造中,CVD用於成長絕緣層、金屬導線、半導體薄膜和其他關鍵元件。
  • 光電產業:用於製造光學鍍膜、太陽能電池、發光二極體(LED)和液晶顯示器(LCD)。
  • 硬質薄膜:用於製造耐磨、耐腐蝕、高溫和高壓的硬質薄膜,例如用於刀具塗層和汽車引擎零件的薄膜。
  • 奈米材料:CVD可以用來成長碳奈米管、氧化物奈米顆粒和其他奈米結構。
  • 生物醫學:在生物醫學領域中,CVD用於製造生物相容性塗層、醫療感測器和人工器官。





氮化鎵(Gallium Nitride,GaN):用於製造高功率和高頻率的光電器件。
砷化鎵(Gallium Arsenide,GaAs):常用於高速電子器件和光電元件。
磷化銦(Indium Phosphide,InP):廣泛應用於光通信和光電器件。


鈷合金(Cobalt Alloys):用於高溫和耐磨應用,如氣輪機構件。


氧化鋁(Aluminum Oxide,Al2O3):用於製造陶瓷塗層、介電層等。
硝酸鋯(Zirconium Nitride,ZrN):用於硬質塗層和保護層。
碳化矽(Silicon Carbide,SiC):用於高溫和高壓應用,如車載電子器件。
碳化硼(Boron Carbide,B4C):常用於防彈材料和硬質塗層。


二氧化矽(Silicon Dioxide,SiO2):用於光學鍍膜和光學纖維。
氟化鋯(Zirconium Fluoride,ZrF4):用於製造光學鍍膜和透鏡。


鈣磷酸鹽(Calcium Phosphate):用於骨植入物和牙科應用。




快速升溫製程(RTP) / 快速熱化學氣相沉積(RTCVD)
直接液體注入化學氣相沉積(DLI-CVD)/ 直接液體注入原子層沉積(DLI-ALD)
沉積新元素週期表材料最有效的技術。半導體,微型電池,物體內波及聲表面波濾波器,高溫及耐蝕障壁,生物相容層等。多元金屬氧化物,2D材料 氮化物,金屬與合金等。

沉積材料舉例: LiNbO3, LaNiO3, SrTiO3, BaO, Y2O3, Cr2O3, TiO2, Al2O3, HfO2, Bi2O3, Co3O4, CuCrO2, SiO2, TiN, AlN, Pt, MoS2 …




辛耘企業擁有PLASMA-THERM ®在台灣及中國的獨家代理權。PLASMA-THERM ®是一家總部設在美國的半導體設備生產商,為全球電漿蝕刻和薄膜沉積設備的領導廠商,在等離子工藝技術創新的37個專利。

VERSALINE 系統模型配置為執行一系列蝕刻和沈積工藝。離子束技術適合一系列應用,從低、可控損傷蝕刻到高速率、高深寬比、深矽蝕刻,再到難加工的材料。該系統通過EndpointWorks®支持過程控制。增強功能包括數據記錄、自動維護調度程序 (AMS) 和 SECS/GEM。我們的Cortex® 控制系統提供穩定、用戶友好的控制界面,專為提高效率和生產力而設計。
◎ 感應耦合等離子體(ICP)
◎ 深矽蝕刻 (DSE)
◎ 反應離子蝕刻(RIE)
◎ 離子豆蝕刻(IBE)
◎ 離子束沉積(IBD)
◎ 等離子體增強化學氣相沉積(PECVD)
◎ 高密度等離子體化學氣相沉積(HDPCVD)
◎ 大面積PECVD系統
◎ 高密度自由基通量 (HDRF)


CORIAL是PLASMA-THERM ®集團旗下的一家公司,提供LED、微機電(MEMS)、化合物半導體(GaAs, GaN, InP,…)、功率半導體之薄膜(Thin Film)及乾蝕刻(Dry Etch)設備。

高通量蝕刻和沈積工具,可批量裝載,適用於最大 200~300 毫米的晶圓加工。
CORIAL 200 系列開發的工藝配方為廣泛的市場提供蝕刻和沈積解決方案,包括故障分析、微機電系統 (MEMS)、光電子、先進封裝、無線設備和功率半導體。CORIAL 300 系列系統非常適合光電子、MEMS、光掩模和功率半導體市場的批量生產薄膜蝕刻和沈積。

◎ RIE蝕刻系統
◎ ICP-RIE蝕刻系統



Advanced Energy 化學氣相沉積設備

用於乾法蝕刻、化學氣相沉積(CVD)、物理氣相沉積(PVD) 離子注入機工藝工具及其維修服務的射頻發生器、匹配網絡、AC/DC 電源、遠程等離子體源 (RPS)、高壓電源和光纖溫度計。 AE-LumaSense 高溫計 UV400/UVR400,可用於金屬有機化學氣相沈積(metal organic CVD, MOCVD)。





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謝謝! 祝您順利!







Content changed at :2024-10-01 10:33:16

Scientech Wet-Process Equipment Have Been Broadly Accepted by Advanced Package Companies in Mass Production

Scientech Wet-Process Equipment Have Been Broadly Accepted by Advanced Package Companies in Mass Production

December 2022 Press Release

  With the rapid development of the electronics industry, new applications such as AR, IoT, and HPC demand more and more advanced technology. In order to achieve smaller feature size, energy saving, high efficiency and low cost, the complexities of design and process increase significantly for each technology nodes, and then slowing down the Moore's Law. Therefore, the adoption of heterogeneous stack packaging technology will become crucial for Moore's Law continuity.

  Being a leading semiconductor equipment and wafer reclaim supplier in Taiwan, Scientech Corporation has launched the development of wet process equipment in 2003. Scientech has successively supported customers in LED, Mini/Micro LED, compound semi and power components such as IGBT, SiC and GaN industries, as well as advanced packaging process such as Bumping, Fan-out, Chip-On-Wafer and so on. Our wet process equipment has been successfully verified in the latest Chiplet's 2.5D/3D packaging process technology and smoothly introduced into mass production.

  Scientech wet process equipment with single-wafer and wet-bench type, can be highly customized to adapt new process flow and operational interface. The ability to customize operational interface, hardware and software design to satisfy customer demands for advanced packaging technology is one of our competitive advantages.

  Over the years, Scientech wet process equipment for advanced technology has been continued to improve its production efficiency, cost reduction and carbon footprint to achieve sustainable business goals. Being a leading equipment supplier and service provider at various industries, with global support capability, Scientech commits to provide the best to every customer in which we serve.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us by using Line or Email.


All the best!

Content changed at :2023-05-26 14:08:06

Scientech to Add PulseForge Photonic Digital Thermal Processing to Semiconductor Product Portfolio

Scientech to Add PulseForge Photonic Digital Thermal Processing to Semiconductor Product Portfolio

Austin, Texas – 1st August 2023 – PulseForge, Inc. and Scientech have announced a collaboration to integrate Digital Thermal Processing into Scientech's semiconductor equipment portfolio. Scientech, Taiwan's leading semiconductor equipment distributor and manufacturer known for its precision solutions, aims to enhance its product offerings with this advanced photonic thermal solution.

PulseForge, renowned for its expertise in applied thermal energy, brings unique soldering, curing, and sintering technologies to the partnership. The addition of photonic digital thermal processing complements Scientech's portfolio and is expected to bring added value to its customers.

The adoption of photonic soldering, curing, and sintering technologies is gaining momentum as industries seek more precise, efficient, and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. These techniques offer the potential for better energy control, faster production speeds, and reduced waste compared to traditional methods.

Jonathan Gibson, CEO of PulseForge, expressed excitement about working with Scientech, expressing confidence that this partnership will yield strong results for Scientech's customers in Asia and worldwide. Collaborations with Scientech and PulseForge are expected to play a crucial role in meeting the growing demand for high-performing chips.

According to Scientech, the timing is opportune for introducing the new integrated photonic digital thermal processing approach as it aligns perfectly with the growing trends of 2.5D / 3D IC in the semiconductor industry. This innovative solution is expected to play a crucial role in supporting these advanced packaging technologies, leading to notable improvements in product quality and satisfying the increasing market demand.

As these photonic technologies advance and become more accessible, various industries can benefit significantly from their implementation. Areas such as electronics manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, medical devices, and even renewable energy can leverage these technologies to enhance their production capabilities, improve product quality, and decrease overall costs. Collaboration with PulseForge reinforces Scientech's commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions and solidifies its position as a leading player in the semiconductor equipment market

About PulseForge, Inc.

PulseForge utilizes applied energy in a precise and targeted manner to enable innovation in industrial manufacturing. Our expertise and tools empower our customers to explore novel materials and manufacturing methodologies, driving dynamic and efficient production at an industrial scale. Learn more at

About Scientech

Scientech is a well-established Taiwan-based semiconductor equipment merchandiser with over 40 years of experience, including over 15 years of expertise in developing and manufacturing precision packaging equipment. Scientech offers a diverse range of merchandising products for semiconductors' Front-End-of-Line (FEOL) and Back-End-of-Line (BEOL) processes, flat panel displays, LEDs, data storage, scientific inspection instruments, optoelectronic, and analytical instruments.
Furthermore, Scientech's in-house equipment manufacturing unit produces wet process tools in both single and batch modules. These tools serve various applications, including cleaning (pre, post, mid), etching (metal, UBM), striping (PR), developing, and plating (electro, electro-less), for semiconductor and LED/Micro LED processes. Additionally, Scientech offers temporary bonding-debonding equipment for advanced packaging applications and wafer support systems, meeting the diverse needs of the semiconductor industry.

PulseForge, Inc.
Austin,TX, USA

Scientech Corporation

Jaimie Mauvais 

Eric Lee (President, Sales Group)



Content changed at :2023-09-13 15:50:15

PulseForge, Inc. 和 Scientech 宣布合作將數字熱處理集成到 Scientech 的半導體設備產品組合中

Scientech to Add PulseForge Photonic Digital Thermal Processing to Semiconductor Product Portfolio

Austin, Texas – 1st August 2023 – PulseForge, Inc. and Scientech have announced a collaboration to integrate Digital Thermal Processing into Scientech's semiconductor equipment portfolio. Scientech, Taiwan's leading semiconductor equipment distributor and manufacturer known for its precision solutions, aims to enhance its product offerings with this advanced photonic thermal solution.

PulseForge, renowned for its expertise in applied thermal energy, brings unique soldering, curing, and sintering technologies to the partnership. The addition of photonic digital thermal processing complements Scientech's portfolio and is expected to bring added value to its customers.

The adoption of photonic soldering, curing, and sintering technologies is gaining momentum as industries seek more precise, efficient, and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. These techniques offer the potential for better energy control, faster production speeds, and reduced waste compared to traditional methods.

Jonathan Gibson, CEO of PulseForge, expressed excitement about working with Scientech, expressing confidence that this partnership will yield strong results for Scientech's customers in Asia and worldwide. Collaborations with Scientech and PulseForge are expected to play a crucial role in meeting the growing demand for high-performing chips.

According to Scientech, the timing is opportune for introducing the new integrated photonic digital thermal processing approach as it aligns perfectly with the growing trends of 2.5D / 3D IC in the semiconductor industry. This innovative solution is expected to play a crucial role in supporting these advanced packaging technologies, leading to notable improvements in product quality and satisfying the increasing market demand.

As these photonic technologies advance and become more accessible, various industries can benefit significantly from their implementation. Areas such as electronics manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, medical devices, and even renewable energy can leverage these technologies to enhance their production capabilities, improve product quality, and decrease overall costs. Collaboration with PulseForge reinforces Scientech's commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions and solidifies its position as a leading player in the semiconductor equipment market

About PulseForge, Inc.

PulseForge utilizes applied energy in a precise and targeted manner to enable innovation in industrial manufacturing. Our expertise and tools empower our customers to explore novel materials and manufacturing methodologies, driving dynamic and efficient production at an industrial scale. Learn more at

About Scientech

Scientech is a well-established Taiwan-based semiconductor equipment merchandiser with over 40 years of experience, including over 15 years of expertise in developing and manufacturing precision packaging equipment. Scientech offers a diverse range of merchandising products for semiconductors' Front-End-of-Line (FEOL) and Back-End-of-Line (BEOL) processes, flat panel displays, LEDs, data storage, scientific inspection instruments, optoelectronic, and analytical instruments.
Furthermore, Scientech's in-house equipment manufacturing unit produces wet process tools in both single and batch modules. These tools serve various applications, including cleaning (pre, post, mid), etching (metal, UBM), striping (PR), developing, and plating (electro, electro-less), for semiconductor and LED/Micro LED processes. Additionally, Scientech offers temporary bonding-debonding equipment for advanced packaging applications and wafer support systems, meeting the diverse needs of the semiconductor industry.

PulseForge, Inc.
Austin,TX, USA

Scientech Corporation

Jaimie Mauvais 

Eric Lee (President, Sales Group)



Content changed at :2023-09-04 14:14:07


1. 關鍵零組件翻修:


2. Robot維修翻新:

2-1本公司代理Kensington公司Robot銷售及維修業務,請參考 Kensington

2-2本公司代理Nidec-Genmark 公司Robot銷售及維修業務,請參考 Nidec-Genmark

3. Power維修翻新:

3-1本公司代理Dynatronix公司Power 銷售及維修業務,請參考 Dynatronix

3-2本公司代理Advanced Energy (AE) 公司Power 銷售及維修業務,請參考 Advanced Energy (AE)


Content changed at :2020-03-18 17:31:40

Robot/Power repair and overhaul

1. Key components repairing:

Scientech supplies all kinds of the key components repairing. Even with the equipments we are not distributing, we also can collaboration and develop with customer.

2. Robot repairing:

2-1 Scientech represents Kensington. For Kensington robot sale and repair, please refer to : Kensington automation

2-2 Scientech represents Nidec-Genmark. For Nidec-Genmark robot sale and repair, please refer to : Nidec-Genmark automation

3. Power repair and overhaul:

3-1 Scientech represents Dynatronix. For Dynatronix power sale and repair, please refer to : Dynatronix power

3-2 Scientech represents Advanced Energy (AE). For AE power sale and repair, please refer to : Advanced Energy (AE)


Content changed at :2020-03-18 17:31:51
