The UneoTM pressure sensor series is a Wall Street Journal Technology Award-winning ultrathin flexible force-sensing sensor suitable for a wide range of human-machine interface measurement from a gentle finger touch to full-body weighing scales or industry bonding and lamination pressure distributed equipment. The patent-pending sensor technology employs the latest advances in piezo-resistive polymer composite processing and printing-based micromachining technology to enable simple and high-quality linear output in the form of variable conductance (inverse of resistance) that is proportional to the input force.

Uneo electronic reader have multiple function, including wire transmission signal in real-time and Bluetooth transmission signal in real-time. Bluetooth reader also has storage data function. It can monitor pressure distribution for a period and store this data in storage. If need to output data it can also transport data by Bluetooth. This Bluetooth reader has maximum 24*24 sensors channel. Sensor also has customized solution option. Reader size: 70*50*25mm. Reader is waterproof.

Content changed at :2023-08-28 17:15:40